Category: Cyber Crime

  • Category: Cyber Crime
Top 20 API Penetration Testing (VAPT) Companies in 2022

Top 20 API Penetration Testing (VAPT) Companies in 2022

The digital transformation within the cloud, IoT, mobile, and web applications is due to API’s. Also, without knowing it; regular individuals engage with API’s on day to day basis. APIs are the connective tissue responsible for transferring information between systems, both internally and externally. However, many a times, the deployed API’s do not go through comprehensive security testing. Moreover, sometimes, non-tested API’s are deployed as well. This causes huge security issues as a company and product user as well! Eventually, a poorly secured API can open security gaps for anything that it is associated with. The security of the API is just as important as the applications that it provides functionality for.. Therefore, here we enlist the top 20 API penetration testing (VAPT) companies in 2022.

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Top 20 Mobile App Testing Companies In 2022

Top 20 Mobile App Testing Companies In 2022

Mobile application industry has become a very popular and a breakneck growing business in the past couple of years. Also, the number of mobile apps downloaded in the year 2021 was more than 142 billion. The mobile application industry has been booming with full prominence. Moreover, the amount of time spent on mobile application increased significantly in Covid-19 due to remote work and recreational activities performed with the help of mobile phones; the demand for new and better mobile application is ever increasing! 407 billion dollars, that’s what the mobile application industry is projected to be worth of till 2026. So, providing a best-in-class quality mobile application experience to the target users in very critical. Therefore, it has become very crucial to test mobile application to sustain and strive in this ever-growing business industry. Therefore, here we enlist the top 20 mobile app testing companies in 2022.

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Top 20 Mobile App Penetration Testing Companies In 2022

Top 20 Mobile App Penetration Testing Companies In 2022

Safety of consumers and their data is a critical aspect for the growth and scalability of any mobile application. So, the best way top test the safety aspect of your mobile application is by performing penetration testing. Therefore, today we enlist the top 20 mobile app penetration testing companies in 2022.

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Top 50 Performance Testing Companies In 2022

Top 50 Performance Testing Companies In 2022

Are you looking for best performance testing service provider for your product? But can’t find the suitable testing partner for your firm, we have got you!  Here we enlist the top 50 performance testing companies in 2022.

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Top 50 Automation Testing Companies In 2022

Top 50 Automation Testing Companies In 2022

Are you trying to find automation testing service providing companies? Are you unsure about which company to contact and partner with?  We understand the importance of testing in an IT based product/services. Moreover, with constant developments in IT space, providing the best possible fully secured and functional product is more important than ever! Moreover, with these developments, companies are moving towards automation testing, which saves time, gives instant results, saves efforts on manual testing, avoid human errors, and  increase the depth and scope of tests.. From QA testing to penetration testing, every test can now be performed by automation. Moreover, deciding over the right and compatible automation testing service provider can be quite the hustle. Do not worry, we are here to help you! Here we mention the top 50 automation testing companies in 2022.

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Top 50 QA Outsourcing Companies In 2022

Top 50 QA Outsourcing Companies In 2022

Businesses having domain in IT sector have a time-consuming and equally challenging task of QA ( Quality Assurance) testing of their software/apps. This is a very thorough process to identify risks, bugs, glitches and to ensure that the code is secure before launching. QA testing ensures you that your product is of high quality and will provide satisfactory results once used by the consumers. QA testing allows you to corroborate that your product or service has specific quality benchmarks. This QA testing however is a tedious process, and outsourcing QA testing is always beneficial! Therefore, here we enlist list of top 50 QA outsourcing companies in 2022.

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Top 50 Software Testing Companies In 2022

Top 50 Software Testing Companies In 2022

Software industry has become a very popular and a breakneck growing business in the past couple of years. The number of software downloaded in the year 2021 was more than 150 billion. The software industry has been booming with full prominence. The amount of time spent on mobile application or software has increased significantly in Covid-19 due to remote work and recreational activities performed with the help of mobile phones; the demand for new and better application or software is ever increasing! So, providing a best-in-class quality software experience to the target users in very critical. Hence, it has become very crucial to test software to sustain and strive in this ever-growing business industry. Therefore, here we enlist top 50 software testing companies in 2022.

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Top 50 Penetration Testing And VAPT Companies In 2022

Top 50 Penetration Testing And VAPT Companies In 2022

Businesses in the field of IT require to pass certain pre-requisites before launching their products to the market. These pre-requisites include the functionality, usability, quality, and the safety features of the product. This is to ensure that the said product will pass the least required parameters. Which results in better business and customer safety and satisfaction. Moreover, 21st century consumers require privacy and smooth experience. With better optimization for every application, software, website and etc. they use. But to create a secured product, you need to perform security testing on your products. There are many security tests available for IT products. Penetration testing and VAPT are one of those. Therefore, here we discuss top 50 penetration testing and VAPT companies in 2022.

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SaaS Application Penetration Testing Guide

SaaS Application Penetration Testing Guide

From the past few decades, the world of information technology is advancing with lightening fast pace. One of such advancements is the cloud technology. Cloud technology turned the traditional way of serving the consumers with a information technology product all the way around! With cloud technology, came the rise of SaaS based applications and software. SaaS in the market right now do not satisfy the consumers. Moreover, current SaaS based tech does not satisfy the purpose and need of consumers as well. So, here we are with another blog for the day. Namely, SaaS Application Penetration Testing Guide!

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8 Instances Software Bugs Proved To be Too Costly

8 Instances Software Bugs Proved To be Too Costly

Development of software always attracts some bugs and errors to itself. Most software bugs and errors are caught during the development stage through testing and QA. But some might be left undetected due to various reasons. Eventually, these various undetected vulnerabilities became a huge problem causing loss in millions of dollars. So, here we discuss about the 8 instances software bugs proved to be too costly.

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