Desktop Application Penetration Testing

Protect your desktop applications from latest cyber security risks

We Can Help You In
  • Secure your desktop application
  • Find and track vulnerabilities
  • Help you in fixing the vulnerability
  • Help you in standard and regulatory compliance

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What is Desktop Application Penetration Testing?

Desktop Application Penetration testing is structured to identify and address security applications existing in desktop application. Since the users use desktop application to perform various functions without releasing a live server connection. Here, clients store resources locally, increasing the risk of data loss and malicious attacks. That’s why Qualysec’s desktop application penetration testing experts concentrate on the desktop software application, traffic, and the backend interface.

We use a comprehensive approach that includes automated tools and manual testing to scan the client-side network traffic to find vulnerabilities and address their effectiveness.

Why do you need Desktop Application Penetration Testing?

With the constant advancements in the  mobile application industry, there’s constant risk of getting replaced by some other app which provides much better features and security than yours. New age consumers require privacy and smooth experience with better optimization for every app they use.This test is essential in order to prove that it is safe for the consumer to use and that the consumer data is safe as well.

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Identifying vulnerabilities

Penetration testing uncovers security flaws that attackers could exploit to gain unauthorized access, manipulate data, or compromise the application’s integrity.

common Vulnerability_Quaysec_Top security company in india

Mitigate risks

By identifying and addressing vulnerabilities early on, organizations can proactively strengthen their application’s security, reducing the risk of costly data breaches or disruptions to business operations.

Enhance user trust

Demonstrating a commitment to security reassures users that their sensitive information is protected when using the application, fostering trust and credibility.

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Comply with regulations

Desktop application penetration testing helps organizations meet regulatory requirements and industry standards, ensuring data protection and privacy compliance.

Let us understand your context better and provide you with the best solutions.

What Types Of Compliance Can Be Achieved by Using Our Services?

compliance achieved by Penetration testing_Qualysec
Our services are specifically designed to help your organization comply with various cybersecurity standards, such as:
  • PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)
  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
  • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
  • ISO/IEC 27001 (Information Security Management)
  • SOC 2 Type I & Type II (Service Organization Control)

What Are Common Desktop Application Vulnerabilities?

When it comes to desktop applications, finding out vulnerabilities should be the priority of the organizations. Desktop Application Penetration testing can support identifying the vulnerabilities and potential threats. Some common Desktop Application vulnerabilities are

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Desktop Application Penetration Testing - What We Provide

With Qualysec’s Desktop Application penetration testing services, you can be 100% assured about your organization’s assets and security. Our proficient pen testers use various industry-standard tools and methodologies to deliver comprehensive aims and objectives tailored to your client application.

Deep Penetration Testing

Our pen testers ensure to conduct desktop application penetration testing in a way that stimulates cyberattacks to identify vulnerabilities like weak encryption checks and insecure storage in the desktop application. We start with in-depth scanning, evaluating the desktop application, and conducting vulnerability scans using a hybrid framework (automated, in-house tools, and manual testing) to provide 100% security.

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Industry standards

On methodologies and testing framework based on the OWASP, we perform 3000+ test cases that will definitely reveal any and every underlying threat within your code. Our pen testing experts can detect vulnerabilities associated with desktop application and provide in-call remediation assistance from security experts.

Daily reports

Qualysec shares daily progress and descriptive reports during the testing process to maintain effective communication and inform you about the vulnerabilities identified in your client’s application. Moreover, daily reporting helps balance transparency and customer data security during penetration testing.

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Detailed pentest reports

Qualysec assures zero false positive pentest report: the vulnerabilities identified are genuine and require immediate attention. Then, a comprehensive report demonstrating everything is written. The pentest report includes all significant explanations with relevant screenshots, vulnerability details, findings, the data breaches' location, impact, and other potential future damages, videos, reference links, and more. So your team doesn't have to spend time searching for information on how to deal with vulnerabilities.

Remediation Support

Qualysec's desktop application pen testing process is not restricted till providing detailed reports. Once we disclose the identified vulnerability locations and suggest measures to fix them. We conduct a retest to ensure no vulnerabilities are left to be addressed during remediation support.

Letter of attestation

After the remediation support and retesting process, Qualysec provides attestation of letter and security certificate as a confirmation that after evaluating the security posture of the desktop application was protected with the appropriate industry standards and methodology.

what you get from Penetration test?

sample penetration testing final report-Qualysec

sample penetration testing retest report-Qualysec
sample penetration testing letter of attestation report-Qualysec
certificate_Qualysec_Top vapt services company in india

How to Begin Securing Your App

Contact us
Be contacted by one of our cyber security experts who will gather all the necessary information. Click the link below to send us an inquiry.
Pre-assessment form
A pre-assessment questionnaire form needs to be filled out, consisting of technical and non-technical questions regarding the targeted desktop application. Click the link below to fill out the Desktop Application penetration testing pre-assessment form.
Proposal meeting

A virtual presentation meeting will be arranged to explain our assessment approach, process, tools, timeframe, and estimated cost.

NDA and Agreement signing

A nondisclosure agreement (NDA) and service agreement will be signed to ensure strict data privacy for our clients.

Pre-requisite collection

All the necessary pre-requisite information will be gathered for the assessment, after which the penetration testing will commence.

See, How we help other clients like you?

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If You Need A Penetration Test.
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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is Desktop Application Penetration Testing?

    Desktop Application Penetration testing is designed to identify and address security vulnerabilities that might be generated due to the majority of functions performed without a live connection to a server.  Desktop application penetration testing put more emphasis on the desktop software application, traffic, and the backend interface. The pen testers use a comprehensive approach that consists of both automated tools and manual testing to scan the client-side network traffic to find vulnerabilities and address their effectiveness.

    Who carries out a Desktop Application Penetration Test?

    Desktop Application Penetration tests are generally performed by skillful cybersecurity professionals known as penetration testers. This type of pen testing should be carried out by an expert who has immense knowledge of understanding and handling desktop application vulnerabilities. They must be aware of the latest tools and techniques, and methodologies to track down the patterns of real-world cyber attacks. Their goal is to identify vulnerabilities, assess security risks, and provide valuable insights to organizations. And enabling them to enhance the security posture of their desktop applications.

    What information is required to define the scope of a Desktop Application Penetration test?

    The list of information that is required to define the scope before conducting the Desktop Application Penetration Test includes: understanding the objectives, identifying the targeted applications, identifying the testing approach, and generating the set of boundaries of the Desktop Application Penetration Test. The above pieces of information will support both pen testers and client applications in planning and ensuring the organization’s goal is achieved.

    What is the difference between thick and thin client application?

    The most prominent difference between thick and thin-client application is that thick clients can perform multiple functions without relying on the live connection to the server and can smoothly do processing for client applications. Whereas, thin client or lean client relies on the live connection to the server for computing but can’t perform much processing, depending on accessing the server constantly to process input data.

    What is the typical duration for conducting a Desktop Application Penetration test?

    The duration of a Desktop Application security test can vary depending on the scope and complexity of the test. In general, the testing process takes around 2 to 3 weeks to complete. Again the duration is directly affected by certain factors like storage analyses, DLL hijacking vulnerabilities, and insecure file permissions. Once the vulnerabilities are identified in the desktop application, the tester evaluated the potential risks associated with those vulnerabilities.

    What occurs after a Desktop Application Penetration test?

    Once the Desktop Application penetration test is conducted, the penetration testers or the ethical hackers involved in the process will create a customized written report for the client. This report will explain the identified vulnerabilities and the whole process, including locations where vulnerabilities were found, their associated risk levels, reference links, and videos. Moreover, a report of recommendations will also be provided for implementing appropriate remedial measures. This report will act as a manual for the web application technical team to understand and protect from future potential cyberattacks.

    How much does a Desktop Application Penetration test typically cost?

    The cost of a Desktop Application penetration test varies as it depends on various elements, like the complexity of the application, the scope of the testing, and the expertise of the penetration testing service provider.

    Hence, every penetration testing provider has a unique pricing structure that might be either based on fixed prices or hourly charges.

    We at Qualysec offer competitive and flexible pricing for the Desktop Application penetration testing services. We understand that every organization’s goals are unique and shouldn’t be compromised. That’s why we work closely with our clients to understand their requirements and present them with a tailored pricing proposal. We aim to deliver high-quality testing services at a fair and transparent cost, determined to enhance the desktop application security of the organization.

    How penetration testing can secure the Desktop Application?

    Desktop Application penetration testing is performed with the objective to safeguard a Desktop Application. We at Qualysec follow a comprehensive approach to identifying the vulnerabilities developing in your desktop application. Our pen testers perform deep penetration testing by using a hybrid framework (automated, in-house tools, and manual testing) to identify every vulnerability. We also build a detailed report explaining the scanning process, vulnerabilities identified, their locations, and tools used, with relevant screenshots, videos, and reference links. And towards the end of the desktop application penetration testing process, we provide remediation support and retest to ensure no vulnerabilities were missed during the whole process. At last, a letter of attestation and a security certificate is provided to the organization.

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