Tools we use

burpsuite logo

Burp Suite is a widely utilized and highly regarded penetration testing toolkit, renowned for its ability to detect security vulnerabilities in web applications. This tool operates as a proxy, facilitating the interception of communications between a browser and targeted application, earning it the distinction of being a proxy-based tool.


netsparker logo

Netsparker offers a comprehensive web application penetration testing solution, available as either a hosted or self-hosted service. With its ability to detect vulnerabilities and verify them using proof-based scanning technology, Netsparker eliminates the need for manual verification and eliminates the potential for false positive results, making it a one-stop solution for web application security needs.


owasp zap logo

ZAP is a widely utilized and highly respected free web application penetration testing tool. Designed to assist with security audits during both development and testing phases of a web application, ZAP is both an automated security tool and an ideal solution for experienced penetration testers looking to perform manual security testing.


w3af logo

The w3af (Web Application Attack and Audit Framework) is a highly regarded, open-source web application security scanner. This project offers a comprehensive vulnerability scanner and exploitation tool specifically designed for web applications. During penetration testing engagements, w3af provides valuable insight into potential security vulnerabilities, making it an indispensable tool for any security professional.


sqlmap logo

SQLMap is a highly regarded, open-source penetration testing tool that automates the detection and exploitation of SQL injection vulnerabilities and the takeover of database servers. It features a robust detection engine and a comprehensive set of tools and techniques, including database fingerprinting, data fetching, file system access, and operating system command execution, making it a complete solution for penetration testers.

nmap project logo

Nmap (Network Mapper) is a widely used and highly regarded free and open-source utility for network discovery and security auditing. It provides network administrators and penetration testers with valuable information about network hosts, services, operating systems, firewalls, and other characteristics through its powerful reconnaissance and scanning capabilities.


nikto logo

Nikto is a highly regarded open-source (GPL) web server scanner that provides comprehensive testing for a wide range of web server components. It features the ability to identify over 6,700 potentially hazardous files and programs, check for outdated versions on over 1,250 servers, and perform version-specific scans on over 270 servers. Additionally, Nikto assesses server configurations, such as the presence of multiple index files and HTTP server options, and can determine the type of web server and software installed.


openssl logo

OpenSSL is a widely adopted software library that offers secure communication across computer networks, protecting against eavesdropping and enabling identification of parties at the other end. Its extensive usage includes application by numerous Internet servers, making it the technology behind a majority of HTTPS websites.


metasploit logo

Metasploit is a highly regarded, open-source modular penetration testing framework and a powerful exploitation framework. It is widely utilized for ethical hacking and penetration testing purposes, allowing for the simulation of real-world attacks in a controlled environment. The latest version, Metasploit Framework 5.0, provides enhanced security testing capabilities and streamlines penetration testing techniques.


burpsuite logo
Burp Suite is a widely utilized and highly regarded penetration testing toolkit, renowned for its ability to detect security vulnerabilities in mobile applications. This tool operates as a proxy, facilitating the interception of communications between a browser and targeted application, earning it the distinction of being a proxy-based tool.
mobsf logo
MobSF is a comprehensive, automated security framework for mobile applications on Android, iOS, and Windows platforms. It provides both static and dynamic analysis capabilities and supports various mobile app formats, including binaries and zipped source code. With its REST API integration, MobSF seamlessly integrates into your CI/CD or DevSecOps workflow, ensuring a robust and efficient mobile app security assessment.
apktool logo
ApkTool is a powerful, open-source tool designed to assist in the reverse engineering of binary Android applications. It offers the ability to decode resources into their nearly original form and, after making any necessary modifications, rebuild the app. This ability makes it possible to debug code in small steps, providing an in-depth understanding of the inner workings of any given app.
frida logo
Frida is a versatile and customizable instrumentation toolkit with a focus on testing native Android applications. It enables the interception and manipulation of data transmitted by apps and provides the ability to inject custom code into their processes.
drozer logo
Drozer is a comprehensive security assessment tool for Android devices and applications. It enables security professionals to identify vulnerabilities by simulating an app's actions and accessing inter-process communication endpoint and the operating system.
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QARK (Quick Android Review Kit) is a widely used and highly regarded open-source security assessment tool specifically designed for Android applications. Developed by LinkedIn, QARK offers a comprehensive and efficient method for evaluating the security of Android apps at no cost.
android debug bridge logo
ADB (Android Debug Bridge) is a widely-used command-line tool for conducting mobile app testing on Android devices. It provides an interface for communication with Android devices and emulators, enabling security assessments of installed apps.
yaazhini logo
Yaazhini is a comprehensive and user-friendly vulnerability scanner for Android applications and APIs. This free, open-source tool is designed to identify vulnerabilities at the APK and API levels, including API vulnerabilities both integrated and standalone, and APK vulnerabilities. The tool also features a report section module for easy and efficient analysis of results.
imas logo
iMAS, standing for the iOS Mobile Application Security, is an open-source security assessment tool for iOS applications. It is designed to assist developers in securing the data within their apps, enforcing password policies, defending against tampering, and adhering to enterprise security protocols. The comprehensive tool provides comprehensive security testing for iOS mobile applications.
metasploit logo
Metasploit is a highly regarded, open-source modular penetration testing framework and a powerful exploitation framework. It is widely utilized for ethical hacking and penetration testing purposes, allowing for the simulation of real-world attacks in a controlled environment. The latest version, Metasploit Framework 5.0, provides enhanced security testing capabilities and streamlines penetration testing techniques.
binwalk logo
Binwalk is a versatile and efficient tool for firmware analysis, reverse engineering, and firmware image extraction. It features a comprehensive database of signatures to identify embedded files, making it easy to identify file types even without extensions. Additionally, Binwalk scans files and filesystem images to find various built-in file types and filesystems.
radare2 logo
Radare2, commonly referred to as r2, is a comprehensive framework for the analysis and reverse-engineering of binary files. This collection of small, command-line utilities can be utilized in unison or independently, and it is built around a disassembler that produces assembly language source code from machine-executable code
qemu logo
QEMU is a widely utilized and freely available emulator. It replicates the behavior of a machine's processor through dynamic binary translation, and offers a comprehensive range of hardware and device models for the machine. As a result, it has the capability to operate a broad spectrum of guest operating systems.
gnuradio logo
GNU Radio is a free, open-source software development toolkit for signal processing. It allows for the creation of software-defined radios and can be used for research, industry, academia, government, and hobbyist purposes. It can be used with external hardware or in a simulated environment.
hackrf logo
HackRF is a versatile software defined radio device, capable of receiving and transmitting radio signals from 1 MHz to 6 GHz. It offers a programmable platform for various applications, from receiving signals to transmitting them.
jtagulator logo
JTAGulator is a tool used for performing JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) testing and analysis. It helps in identifying JTAG-enabled devices and determining the pinout for these devices. This tool simplifies the process of debugging and reverse-engineering JTAG-enabled devices.
aws inspector logo

AWS Inspector is a security assessment service that helps improve the security and compliance of applications deployed on Amazon Web Services (AWS). It provides automated security assessments for Amazon EC2 instances, applications, and network infrastructures, helping to identify potential security vulnerabilities and deviations from best practices.


nessus logo

Nessus is a comprehensive vulnerability scanner, specifically designed to help organizations identify and assess security risks across their IT infrastructure. It performs in-depth assessments to detect and report on vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and other security-related issues. Nessus is widely used by security professionals and organizations to enhance their cybersecurity posture and reduce their risk exposure.


cloudbrute logo

CloudBrute is a cross-platform tool that facilitates the discovery and enumeration of a target company's cloud infrastructure, files, open buckets, applications, and databases hosted on major cloud providers, including Amazon, Google, Microsoft, DigitalOcean, Alibaba, Vultr, and Linode. Additionally, it can also discover applications behind proxy servers.

pacu logo

PACU (Penetration Assessment tools for Cloud environments) is a collection of penetration testing tools designed to help assess the security of cloud infrastructure. It provides a set of modules to help identify and evaluate potential security vulnerabilities in cloud environments and offers a centralized interface for managing and automating the testing process.


s3scanner logo

S3Scanner is a tool designed to scan and analyze Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets. It searches for publicly accessible S3 buckets and examines their contents to determine potential security risks and vulnerabilities. This tool aims to help organizations ensure the secure configuration of their S3 buckets and protect sensitive data stored within them.


mimikatz logo

Mimikatz is a powerful tool for Windows-based systems that is widely used for extracting sensitive information from memory and performing pass-the-hash and pass-the-ticket attacks. It is designed to demonstrate the weaknesses in a system's security and highlight the importance of strong password management practices.


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