Android App Pentesting

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Android Application penetration testing

Protect your android application from latest cyber security risks

We Can Help You In
  • Secure your android application
  • Find and track vulnerabilities
  • Help you in fixing the vulnerability
  • Help you in standard and regulatory compliance
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What Is Android Application Pentesting?

Android penetration testing is a process of identifying security risks and vulnerabilities in Android mobile applications. The penetration testing experts who perform tests to find threats use different automated tools and methods. This comprehensive approach looks for loopholes in an Android application, finds practical solutions for it, and ensures it works fine in the Android environment. The mobile application pen-testers aim to discover the security threats and vulnerabilities in the apps and take necessary action to protect them before cybercriminals exploit them. 

At  Qualysec, we have a team of experts who work closely with the Android application team to discuss potential threats and weaknesses and provide possible and practical recommendations for the efficiency of the application.

Why do you need android application penetration testing?

Today, every individual is dependent on the mobile application. There are millions of Android applications present in the Google PlayStore that keep on updating as per the user’s requirement. However, that doesn’t mean the application is completely secure and protected from threats. These threats and application vulnerability is required to be found and addressed on time. That’s when Android Penetration testing comes into play.

At Qualysec, we provide Android Application Penetration Testing services that help you secure your Android applications and safeguard your data from cyber threats.

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Protect sensitive data

Through Android application penetration testing, the protection of sensitive data is possible. The Android application pen testers will work on an application to find vulnerabilities like data leakage, misconfiguration, inadequate privacy controls, and others and perform necessary changes to protect sensitive application data from cybercriminals that might exploit it for their benefit once they get access to your Android application.

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Meet Compliance Requirements

Along with assisting your organisation in protecting the sensitive data of your Android application, penetration testing will also help meet compliance requirements and industry standardslike HIPAA, PCI-DSS, ISO 27001, GDPR, and others. Most Android application developers perform penetration tests intending to get compliance.

Avoid Financial Setbacks

Android applications hold sensitive data of both user and the organisation and require protection. Identifying unauthorised access to the application is essential because one data leakage can lead to significant financial losses, causing the application to lose the user’s trust. Penetration testing can prevent this from happening and create a flawless user-end experience.

Assessing Impacts Of Attacks

Attackers can exploit vulnerabilities in both server-site script and client-site script in an attempt to access the sensitive data to perform unauthorised activities like data leakage and cause financial damage that can hamper app user trust and Android application developers. Proactively detecting threats can help track potential attackers’ impacts and protect from other insecure and defective Android applications.

Let us understand your context better and provide you with the best solutions.

What Types Of Compliance Can Be Achieved by Using Our Services?

What Are Common Android Application Vulnerabilities?

When it comes to Android application vulnerabilities, ensuring their security is crucial. Android app penetration testing helps identify and address potential weaknesses, ensuring the integrity and protection of your app.

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Android application Penetration Testing - What We Provide

At Qualysec, our expert team performs penetration tests for Android applications. We use a comprehensive approach, employing various tools and methodologies to test Android applications. We provide the following services to ensure the complete security of your Android application.

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Android applications carry sensitive data of the users like their names, login information, videos, photos, chats, and more that gets collected and stored within the applications. Qualysec’s mobile penetration testing takes responsibility for securing those sensitive or confidential data from getting exposed and exploited by unauthorized devices or servers. We conduct a deep penetration test to confirm the data and perform business logic testing and reverse engineering to cut down every possibility of cybercrimes.


Our methodologies and testing framework are based on the OWASP. We perform 3000+ test cases that will reveal every underlying threat within your Android application code. We also perform reverse engineering to reduce the possibility of being hacked through the source code of Android applications. The pen testing experts can detect application vulnerabilities and weaknesses in security. QualySec scans and diagnose Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure (CVEs) in Android application penetration testing to ensure total protection. We also provide in-call remediation assistance from our security experts.


Qualysec understands your worry about Android application security risks and weaknesses. That’s why we release daily descriptive and compelling reports for your Android application developer team, as they will stay updated with the process and progress of the penetration test. In addition, Qualysec will perform a detailed analysis of the authentication mechanism of your mobile application. Assuring satisfaction to your Android application user in the long run.

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After performing the Android application penetration test, we check to ensure zero false positives: the vulnerability and security threats are genuine and require immediate improvement. Qualysec provides a comprehensive report demonstrating the entire penetration test. The pentest report includes all other significant explanations with relevant screenshots, details of vulnerabilities and threats, their location, videos, reference links, and more so that your Android application developer team gains information and understands which measures are best for the betterment of the application.


Performing a penetration test on the Android application is not enough. That’s why we assist in the onboarding process. We check if the recommendation and reference links provided by our team were helpful and were applied successfully by your developer team, and if not, we are open to assisting in that as well. After that, we perform a retest to check no vulnerability is present to hamper the Android application.


At last, Qualysec congratulates you by providing a letter of attestation and security certificates as a conclusion and configuration that after thoroughly testing your Android applications, we exploited every possible vulnerability. Now your Android application is secured and has successfully met the appropriate industry standards and compliance requirements.

what you get from Penetration test?

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sample penetration testing retest report-Qualysec
sample penetration testing letter of attestation report-Qualysec
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How to Begin Securing Your App

Contact us
Be contacted by one of our cyber security experts who will gather all the necessary information. Click the link below to send us an inquiry.
Pre-assessment form

A pre-assessment questionnaire form needs to be filled out, consisting of technical and non-technical questions regarding the targeted android application. Click the link below to fill out the Android app penetration testing pre-assessment form.

Proposal meeting

A virtual presentation meeting will be arranged to explain our assessment approach, process, tools, timeframe, and estimated cost.

NDA and Agreement signing

A nondisclosure agreement (NDA) and service agreement will be signed to ensure strict data privacy for our clients.

Pre-requisite collection

All the necessary pre-requisite information will be gathered for the assessment, after which the penetration testing will commence.

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If You Need A Penetration Test.
We Want To Talk With You.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is Android application penetration testing?

    Android application penetration testing is a process of finding application-related security threats and vulnerabilities present in the Android application. The penetration tester or ethical hacker aims to assess the application’s unauthorized access to learn the weaknesses of the application. The pen-testing can help in securing the overall security posture of the Android application by simulating real-world-attacks and fixing found vulnerabilities that the cyber attackers might use to exploit.

    Who performs Android application penetration testing?

    In general, Android application penetration testing is performed by someone with immense knowledge about Android applications and is aware of the security threats and latest vulnerabilities. At Qualysec, we have a team of professionals who know Android threats and how to deal with them. They perform tests to identify vulnerabilities and exploit them before the cyber attackers. They also assist the application developer team by suggesting recommendations and providing reference links.

    What information is needed to scope an Android app pen test?

    When planning and scoping for an Android application, the penetration tester might need access to the application’s server-side, IP addresses, last update details, and relevant documentation like app design specifications and user end experience. Qualysec’s penetration testing team will work closely with you to find your specific testing purpose and determine the best testing tools and methodologies to ensure the security of the Android application.

    Which Android application security testing tools are used?

    At Qualysec, we employ different types of security tools as per the requirement of the client’s industry standard and application needs. Moreover, we use a comprehensive approach using automated and in-house tools to test the Android application. However, most of the testing is performed manually by our penetration testing experts. Our testing tools include static and dynamic analysis tools and are frequently updated to guarantee we can identify the latest vulnerabilities and cybersecurity threats.

    How long does it take to perform an Android application security test?

    The time duration of an Android application can vary from application to application as the complexity and testing requirement is different for every Android application. At QualySec, we work with you to determine the appropriate testing methodology and time frame based on your aims and objectives.

    What happens at the end of an Android app pen test?

    When our penetration testers are done with finding the vulnerabilities and provide measures and recommendations to fix them. The pen tester will create a detailed report stating everything about the test. This report helps the Android application developer team to understand the changes they need to make for the application’s betterment. Later, the pen tester team will communicate with the application team members to ensure that all identified vulnerabilities are addressed now and can provide ongoing support to ensure your Android app remains secure over time.

    How much does an Android application penetration test cost?

    Android application penetration testing costs can differ for different applications because every application has its complexity, areas of improvement, and different security system. At Qualysec, we discuss the testing purpose and objectives before setting the price. We work closely with our clients to ensure we deliver maximum value for their investment.

    How do you test the security of Android applications?

    For the Android application penetration testing, our Qualysec security experts implement a comprehensive approach that includes automated tools and manual testing techniques to identify vulnerabilities in the client’s Android application. We also have static and dynamic analysis to reveal the underlying threats within the codes. Once the test is conducted, we recommend improving the Android application’s overall security posture.

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