Cyber Security Audit

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Cyber security audit

Protect your applications from the latest cyber security risks.

We Can Help You In
  • Secure your Applications
  • Find and track vulnerabilities
  • Help you in fixing the vulnerability
  • Help you in standard and regulatory compliance
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What Is Cyber Security Audit?

A Cyber Security Audit is like a comprehensive check-up for your digital safety. It involves a thorough assessment of your organization’s IT systems, networks, and procedures to ensure they meet industry best practices and security standards. This audit helps identify potential risks and weaknesses, allowing you to strengthen your defenses against cyber threats, safeguard sensitive data, and maintain the trust of your customers and stakeholders. It’s like a proactive measure to keep your digital assets secure and protected from potential attacks.

At Qualysec, we provide professional Cyber Security Audit in India and the USA, helping you stay ahead of risks and maintain a strong security posture.

Why do you need it?

At Qualysec, we understand that ensuring the security of your organization’s applications and data is critical. A cyber security audit can help identify any vulnerabilities in your applications and help mitigate the risk of cyber-attacks. Here are some reasons

_sensitive data_Quaysec_Top pentest company in india

Protect Sensitive Data

A cyber security audit can identify weaknesses in your security posture that could leave your sensitive data vulnerable to theft or exposure. By assessing your organization’s security controls and identifying vulnerabilities, we can recommend improvements that help prevent unauthorized access and protect your data.


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Regulatory Compliance

Organizations in certain industries are subject to compliance requirements that mandate regular security audits. A cyber security audit can ensure that your organization is meeting these requirements, avoiding fines and legal consequences.

common Vulnerability_Quaysec_Top security company in india

Mitigate Risk

A cyber security audit helps to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities, allowing you to mitigate them before they can be exploited by malicious actors. By proactively identifying and addressing security risks, you can reduce the likelihood of a security breach, protect your organization’s reputation, and safeguard your customers’ trust.

Enhance Overall Security

A cyber security audit provides a comprehensive evaluation of your organization’s security posture, allowing you to identify strengths and weaknesses. With this information, you can implement targeted security improvements and enhance your overall security posture.

Let us understand your context better and provide you with the best solutions.

What Types Of Compliance Can Be Achieved by Using Our Services?

compliance achieved by Penetration testing_Qualysec
Our services are specifically designed to help your organization comply with various cybersecurity standards, such as:
  • PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)
  • GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
  • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)
  • ISO/IEC 27001 (Information Security Management)
  • SOC 2 Type I & Type II (Service Organization Control)

What Are Common Cyber Security Vulnerabilities?

When it comes to Cyber security vulnerabilities, ensuring their security is crucial. Cyber security audit helps identify and address potential weaknesses, ensuring the integrity and protection of your app.

free security check up

What We Provide

At Qualysec, we offer a range of services to help secure your organization’s applications and data. By leveraging our services, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of your organization’s security posture and take the necessary steps to protect your valuable assets from potential cyber-attacks. Our services include

Data Storage

We ensure that your data is stored securely and protected from unauthorized access or theft.

Business Logic Testing

We test your application's business logic to identify vulnerabilities and potential exploits.

Reverse Engineering

We conduct reverse engineering to identify weaknesses and help improve the security of your applications.

Common Vulnerabilities & Exposure (CVEs)

We scan for CVEs to ensure that your applications are up-to-date and free from known security flaws.

Secured Authentication

We test your application's authentication mechanisms to ensure that they are secure and not vulnerable to attacks.

Static & Dynamic Code Analysis

We conduct static and dynamic code analysis to identify security flaws in your application code.

what you get from Penetration test?

sample penetration testing final report-Qualysec

sample penetration testing retest report-Qualysec
sample penetration testing letter of attestation report-Qualysec
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How to Begin Securing Your App

Contact us
Be contacted by one of our cyber security experts who will gather all the necessary information. Click the link below to send us an inquiry.
Proposal meeting

A virtual presentation meeting will be arranged to explain our assessment approach, process, tools, timeframe, and estimated cost.

NDA and Agreement signing

A nondisclosure agreement (NDA) and service agreement will be signed to ensure strict data privacy for our clients.

Pre-requisite collection

All the necessary pre-requisite information will be gathered for the assessment, after which the penetration testing will commence.

See, How we help other clients like you?

Get a deeper understanding of our process and results by reviewing our case studies.

If You Need A Penetration Test.
We Want To Talk With You.

This is what you can expect:

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is a Cyber Security Audit?

    A Cyber Security Audit is a comprehensive review and evaluation of an organization’s applications, policies, and procedures to identify potential security risks and vulnerabilities.

    Who performs a Cyber Security Audit?

    Cyber Security Audits are typically conducted by trained and experienced professionals who possess expertise in the field of cybersecurity. At Qualysec, our team of certified professionals provides our clients with comprehensive reports to help identify and remediate any security risks.

    What information is needed to scope a Cyber Security Audit?

    Before conducting a Cyber Security Audit, our team will work with your organization to gather detailed information about your applications, policies, procedures, and objectives. This will help us understand the audit’s scope and develop a customized approach to address your specific security needs.

    Which security testing tools are used for the audit?

    Our team uses a variety of in-house tools and techniques to conduct Cyber Security Audits, including vulnerability scanners, penetration testing tools, and network analysis software. We leverage a combination of manual and automated testing methods to provide our clients with comprehensive results.

    How long does it take for the result?

    The time required to complete a Cyber Security Audit can vary depending on the size and complexity of your organization’s application. Typically, it can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks to complete.

    What happens at the end?

    At the end of a Cyber Security Audit, our team will provide a detailed report that summarizes our findings and recommendations. This report will include an overview of the security risks identified, the potential impact of those risks, and specific recommendations for addressing the identified vulnerabilities.

    How much does a Cyber Security Audit cost?

    The cost of a Cyber Security Audit can vary depending on the size and complexity of your organization’s applications, as well as the scope of the audit. At Qualysec, we work with our clients to provide customized Cyber Security Audit solutions that meet their specific needs and budget.

    How do you test the effectiveness of a Cyber Security Audit?

    To test the effectiveness of a Cyber Security Audit, our team will conduct follow-up assessments to ensure that any identified vulnerabilities have been remediated and that your organization’s security posture has been improved. We also provide ongoing support to help maintain the security of your applications and ensure that your organization is protected against emerging threats.

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