Category: Cyber Crime

  • Category: Cyber Crime
Top 15 Android Testing Companies In India 2021

Top 15 Android Testing Companies In India 2021

With constant and significant advancements in technology, heavy tasks can now be accomplished on a smartphones. And android devices constitute around 95.23 percentage of smartphones in India. Plus, android is a different OS (Operating System). So, mobile applications made for android devices cannot work on iPhones or iPads. Therefore, each and every mobile application available on the Google Play Store is specifically made for android devices. Which means, there is a big market for mobile app developers to capture. However, Google Play Store policies are very strict. Your mobile app won’t be live, if it doesn’t match Google Play Store standards. Therefore, here we enlist the top 15 android testing companies in India 2021.

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5 Usability Testing Questions You Can Ask The Specialists

5 Usability Testing Questions You Can Ask The Specialists

Every product requires analysis for its usage. And in today’s modern world, we have to provide what our consumers require and desire at the same time. Usability testing enables us to solve some very important questions. These questions are in regards to the success and usability of the product. Today we discuss the 5 usability testing questions you can ask the specialists for your products maximum optimization and output.

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Top 15 Vulnerability Assessment Companies In India 2021

Top 15 Vulnerability Assessment Companies In India 2021

Cyberattacks are a nuisance to every IT-based firm all around the world. Even Indian companies face this threat all the time. Although most companies conduct penetration testing on their products, they do not succeed at securing their products entirely. So, from data theft to financial losses and damage to reputation, failing at cybersecurity causes all kinds of damage to your company. Therefore, connecting with the right testing partner is extremely critical for you and your establishment. So, here we provide the list of the top 15 vulnerability assessment companies in India 2021.

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Top 15 iOS  Testing Companies In India 2021

Top 15 iOS Testing Companies In India 2021

With constant and significant advancements in technology, heavy tasks can now be accomplished on a smartphones. And Apple devices constitute around 3.2 million smartphones in India. Plus, Apple devices use a different OS (Operating System). So, mobile applications made for android devices cannot work on iPhones or iPads. Therefore, each and every mobile application available on the Apple App Store is specifically made for IOS devices. Which means, there is a big market for mobile app developers to capture. However, App Store policies are very strict. Your mobile app won’t be live, if it doesn’t match Apple App Store standards. Therefore, here we enlist the top 15 iOS testing companies in India.

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Security Testing And Best Practices In 2021

Security Testing And Best Practices In 2021

As we head towards a tech driven society, we head towards the danger of being hacked. Cyberattacks are becoming a commonly occurring event from the last couple of years. Cybersecurity is no joke! If you have no emphasis on securing yourself and your product, you will face the consequences. The best way to secure your product from hackers and cyberattacks is security testing. Therefore, here we provide a brief on security testing and best practices in 2021.

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Load VS Stress Testing. What’s The Difference?

Load VS Stress Testing. What’s The Difference?

2021 is a highly competitive market for IT based companies. Every consumer desires a product with faster operations, better graphics and better features. To sum it all, users require a product with overall best performance. During the development stages there aren’t many options to check for the performance of the product. Although checking for the the performance of the application after the codes are development is a child’s play. Therefore, before the codebase is transferred to production phase, the performance issues are known. And load and stress testing are one of the performance testing. Here we intend to explain load testing vs stress testing and what’s the difference between them.

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API Security Testing And Its Benefits

API Security Testing And Its Benefits

In today’s day and age, cybersecurity is among one of the top concerns for any IT based companies all over the world. Cyberattacks not only hijacks the sensitive data of users and company but tarnishes the reputation of your company in the business market as well. Hacking has become a bigger nuisance due to COVID-19. Because of the major shift from office work to work from home. All the business transactions now happen online using different web application and websites. Therefore, performing security testing and securing your applications, websites and software against cyberattacks is more important than ever. And API security testing is one of these security testing crucial for cyber safety.

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Why you need Localization Testing? And Everything You Need to Know About It.

Why you need Localization Testing? And Everything You Need to Know About It.

Are you considering to go global with your brand? Because the pinnacle of expansion of a business is to go global with multinational outlets, domains and etc. Have you considered the pressing issues that your product might face because of it? For example, the language barrier, popular user interface, date and time, spellings and etc. Now to send a team to the specific region, area or country to survey and make changes to the software or application is very expensive. Rather, companies perform localization testing on their software or application to detect and solve the issues effectively and efficiently.

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OWASP Top 10 Web Application Threats 2021

OWASP Top 10 Web Application Threats 2021

Web applications having third party services are favorite target for cyberattacks. Over 80% of all threats are discovered within the web application code. You might miss this, but the hackers don’t. So, to provide ambient security to a web application; OWASP top 10 web application threats 2021 are to be secured completely.

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What Is Ethical Hacking? Pros And Cons of It.

What Is Ethical Hacking? Pros And Cons of It.

Ethical hacking is a very broad term consisting of authorized attempts at hacking a specific target to find possibilities of security vulnerabilities in it. A cyberattack with the permission of the legal owners of any software, website, application and etc. is called Ethical hacking. Replicating different tactics and procedure used by actual hackers is the main objective. Which in-turn helps in resolving any security threats before an actual hacker with pernicious intentions hacks and steals any confidential data.

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