Tag: API Pentest

  • Tag: API Pentest
Demystifying API Penetration Testing: A Comprehensive Guide

Demystifying API Penetration Testing: A Comprehensive Guide

Table of Contents APIs are an important aspect of modern software design because they allow different software systems to interface and communicate with one another. Despite their extensive use, APIs still attract attention from persons with malevolent intent. To minimize these attacks, organizations ensure security with API penetration testing. Here are some stats you should

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A Complete Guide on API Penetration Testing 2023

A Complete Guide on API Penetration Testing 2023

Boost security with API penetration testing. Identify vulnerabilities and protect data from threats. Learn more about the benefits today.

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Top 20 API Penetration Testing (VAPT) Companies in 2022

Top 20 API Penetration Testing (VAPT) Companies in 2022

The digital transformation within the cloud, IoT, mobile, and web applications is due to API’s. Also, without knowing it; regular individuals engage with API’s on day to day basis. APIs are the connective tissue responsible for transferring information between systems, both internally and externally. However, many a times, the deployed API’s do not go through comprehensive security testing. Moreover, sometimes, non-tested API’s are deployed as well. This causes huge security issues as a company and product user as well! Eventually, a poorly secured API can open security gaps for anything that it is associated with. The security of the API is just as important as the applications that it provides functionality for.. Therefore, here we enlist the top 20 API penetration testing (VAPT) companies in 2022.

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