iOS Pentesting Checklist

iOS Pentesting Checklist: All You Need to Know

iOS pentesting checklist helps in determining that all crucial areas of an iOS app are tested for optimum security. It is a list of steps and procedures that pen testers need to follow to assess the security of an iOS app. It helps identify vulnerabilities in the app and ensures it is secure against potential threats. In December 2022, there were 2.2 million cyberattacks globally on mobile apps. According to research done by HP, over 87% of iOS apps have insufficient security to prevent cyberattacks. While the Apple OS is still a safer option than Android, without proper security, attackers can still breach the apps. As a result, iOS app penetration is needed to ensure all the security measures are up to date and there are no security vulnerabilities. In this blog, we will briefly discuss the iOS app pentesting checklist and what should one cover in terms of security testing. What is iOS Pentesting? iOS pentesting is the process of identifying and exploiting vulnerabilities in iOS apps. This is an offensive security testing technique where pen testers, popularly called “ethical hackers”, use automated tools and manual testing techniques to detect security flaws in iOS apps. This helps the developers fix the security issues discovered by the testers. iOS pentesting checklist provides a list that helps pen testers evaluate the most critical parts of the iOS apps. This includes the app’s design, code, configurations, and implementation. Attackers can use even the smallest weaknesses in the app to attack. Hence, iOS app pentesting is much needed to create safer apps for users. What are the Benefits of iOS Pentesting? The main goal of iOS pentesting is to detect security vulnerabilities before attackers exploit them for breaches. Since iOS is known for its security, nobody wants to create a vulnerable iOS app. iOS application security testing identifies and mitigates weaknesses, ensuring your app’s security. 1. Detect iOS Platform-Specific Vulnerabilities iOS pentesting helps in identifying platform-specific vulnerabilities, such as issues with iOS Keychain, insecure data storage, and improper use of iOS security features like App Transport Security (ATS). Vulnerability Assessment during this process is essential. Addressing such vulnerabilities helps protect user data and the app against potential attacks. 2. Meet Compliance Needs iOS application penetration testing helps comply with iOS App Store guidelines and industry regulations like GDPR and HIPAA. It helps identify and fix security issues that could lead to non-compliance. As a result, it ensures that the app meets all the necessary regulatory requirements before being updated/submitted in the App Store. 3. Build User Trust Apple products and iOS are marketed based on security. To create an iOS app, you need to fulfill all the security requirements so that both Apple and users trust you. By doing pentesting for your app, you show your commitment to the security and privacy of iOS and keeping user data safe. This leads to an increase in user confidence and positive reviews. 4. Prevent Data Breaches By identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities unique to iOS apps, pentesting helps prevent data breaches. This includes issues like improper use of Touch ID/Face ID, insecure inter-app communication, and weaknesses in custom URL schemes. Preventing data breaches protects user information as well as the app’s reputation. 5. Improve App Performance By fixing security-related bugs discovered by iOS pentesting, you can enhance the app’s performance significantly. You can create a smoother and more reliable app for users. By optimizing the app’s performance along with its security using the iOS Pentesting Checklist, you can get better user satisfaction and higher ratings in the App Store. 6. Attract More Users The mobile app marketplace is very competitive, where security can be a huge factor. By conducting regular iOS app penetration testing, you can gain a competitive advantage over others. A pen test security certificate can be a strong selling point, which will attract more users who are concerned about data protection. iOS Pentesting Checklist When conducting pen tests for iOS, several key focus areas should be considered. This iOS pentesting checklist provides a list of what should be done in the process for a comprehensive assessment. 1. Initial Setup 2. Static Analysis 3. Dynamic Analysis 4. Authentication and Authorization 5. Data Storage 6. Input validation 7. Cryptographic Implementations 8. Error Handling 9. Application Logic 10. Reverse Engineering 11. Platform-Specific Checks 12. Detailed Reporting 13. Retesting Would you like to see a real mobile app penetration testing report? Click the link below and download a sample report at this moment! Latest Penetration Testing Report Download 5 iOS Application Penetration Testing Techniques During an iOS app penetration test, the pen test uses various tools, techniques, and methodologies to assess the app’s security procedure, focusing on application security. This may include: 1. Static Analysis Static analysis tools help detect security vulnerabilities in the app’s source code or binary without executing it. These tools can identify security issues like improper use of cryptographic functions, presence of backdoors, insecure coding practices, buffer overflows, XSS, and SQL injection. 2. Dynamic Analysis In dynamic analysis, the application is allowed to run in a controlled environment to monitor and analyze its behavior. It allows testers to assess runtime information, intercept network traffic, monitor API calls, and detect potential security weaknesses. By altering the behavior of specific app functions, testers can analyze how the app behaves in different scenarios. Dynamic analysis tools help discover vulnerabilities related to session management flaws, authentication bypass, insecure data storage, and improper user input handling. 3. Jailbreaking Jailbreaking an iOS device gives testers elevated privileges and access to system files, allowing comprehensive security assessments. It enables installing additional tools, modifying settings, and analyzing sensitive information. Jailbreaking bypasses iOS restrictions, providing root access and the ability to install unauthorized apps. Common types of jailbreaking techniques include: 4. Traffic Interception Testers can identify potential security weaknesses by intercepting network traffic between an iOS device and the server. They can use tools like Wireshark or Burp Suite to capture and analyze network packets. This iOS penetration testing technique allows