
Cloud Pentesting

Cloud Penetration Testing
Penetration Testing

Cloud Penetration Testing: The Complete Guide   

An essential process for identifying possible security holes in cloud-based infrastructure and applications is cloud penetration testing. Over the past ten years, cloud computing adoption has become increasingly popular in IT companies. When compared to equivalent on-premises infrastructure, cloud infrastructure offers higher productivity and lower costs due to its improved operational efficiency and productivity. It is essential to secure cloud assets against both internal and external threats considering the importance of cloud systems and data. According to recorded breaches, 30,578,031,872 known data was breached in 8,839 publicly revealed incidents.   We’ll talk about the advantages and methodology of cloud pen testing in this blog. Additionally, it will also reveal the typical flaws in cloud security as well as the best practices in cloud pen testing.    What is Cloud Penetration Testing? Cloud Penetration Testing replicates actual cyberattacks on cloud-native services and applications, corporate components, APIs, and the cloud infrastructure of an organization. Federated login systems, serverless computing platforms, and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) are examples of this. In addition, cloud pen testing is an innovative approach developed to tackle the risks, weaknesses, and threats related to cloud infrastructure and cloud-native services. The primary objective of cloud security testing is to protect digital infrastructure from a constantly evolving variety of threats. Additionally, it provides enterprises with the highest level of IT security assurance which is necessary to meet their risk requirements. Benefits of Cloud Penetration Testing Cloud penetration testing helps enterprises that store crucial data on the cloud along with cloud service providers. A majority of cloud providers have implemented a shared responsibility model between themselves and their clients, which is maintained by the following: Aids in identifying weak points: Testing for cloud penetration guarantees that vulnerabilities are quickly fixed once they are found. The thorough scanners can detect even the smallest weaknesses. Hence, this is important because it aids in the quick remediation of the vulnerability before hackers take use of it. Improves application and cloud security: The continuous update of security mechanisms is another advantage of cloud penetration testing. In addition to that, if any security holes are discovered in existing security mechanisms, it helps improve them. Enhances dependability between suppliers and consumers: Frequent execution of pen tests on cloud infrastructure might enhance the dependability and credibility attributed to cloud service providers. This can retain existing customers at ease with the degree of protection offered for their data while gaining new ones because of the cloud provider’s security-consciousness. Supports the preservation of compliance: Conducting cloud pen tests is beneficial in identifying areas of non-compliance with different regulatory standards and vulnerabilities. As a result, the detected areas can be fixed to fulfill compliance standards and prevent penalties for non-compliance. “Explore more: Cloud application penetration testing Methodology of Cloud Penetration Testing   The following steps must be taken when conducting Cloud pen testing, including: 1. Information Gathering Information gathering is the first step in cloud penetration testing. Here is where the penetration testing team can obtain important documents from the organization. They employ several techniques and instruments together with the data to fully utilize the technical insights. Testers can operate more efficiently and rapidly when they have a thorough understanding of the application and facts. 2. Planning The pen testers established their objectives and aims by delving deeply into the web application’s complex technicalities and abilities. The testers adapt their strategy and study to target certain vulnerabilities and malware within the application. 3. Automation Scanning Here, automated cloud-based pen testing tools are utilized to scan for surface-level vulnerabilities and expose them before an actual hacker does. 4. Manual Testing In this step, pen testers manually navigate the application and execute tests to eliminate the weaknesses discovered. 5. Reporting During this phase, pen testers create a comprehensive and developer-friendly report that includes every detail about the vulnerability discovered and how to address it. Want to see how the pen test report looks? You may obtain a sample report by clicking here.   Latest Penetration Testing Report Download   6. Consultation This phase occurs when the developer requires assistance in resolving the issue, and the testers are prepared for a consultation call. 7. Retest During this step, testers re-test the application to see whether any issues remain after the developer’s remediation. Common Cloud Vulnerabilities Here are some of the most common vulnerabilities among the many attack methods that may result in different kinds of damaging incidents of your cloud Security services:  1. Insecure Coding Techniques Most companies try to develop their cloud infrastructure as cheaply as possible. Because of poor development practices, such software often has issues such as SQL, XSS, and CSRF. Furthermore, these vulnerabilities are at the root of most cloud web service intrusions. 2. Out-of-date Software Outdated software contains serious security weaknesses that may harm your cloud penetration testing services. Furthermore, most software vendors do not use an intuitive updating method, and users can individually refuse automatic upgrades. This makes cloud services obsolete, which hackers identify using automated scanners. As a result, numerous cloud services relying on old software are prone to vulnerability. 3. Insecure APIs APIs are commonly used in cloud services to transfer data across different applications. However, unsecured APIs can cause large-scale data leaks. Improper use of HTTP methods such as PUT, POST, and vanish in APIs might allow hackers to transfer malware or erase data from your server. Improper access control and a lack of input sanitization are other major sources of API compromise, as discovered during cloud penetration testing. 4. Weak credentials Using popular or weak passwords leaves your cloud accounts vulnerable to hacking attempts. The attacker can utilize automated programs to make guesses, gaining access to your account using that login information. The consequences could be harmful resulting in a full account takeover. These assaults are very prevalent since people tend to reuse passwords and use passwords that are easy to remember. This truth can be proven by cloud penetration testing. Cloud Penetration Testing Best Practices Cloud penetration testing needs thorough planning, execution, and consideration of

Securing the Future_ Emerging Trends in Cloud-Based Application Security Testing
Cloud Based Penetration testing, Cloud Pentesting

Securing the Future: Emerging Trends in Cloud-Based Application Security Testing

Despite significant cybersecurity spending, 78% of senior IT and security professionals think their firms are not adequately prepared for a cyberattack, according to a new poll. Given that 50% or more of the enterprises surveyed in cloud-based application security testing report are concerned about cloud threats. It’s no surprise that organizations are focusing on strengthening their cloud security posture going forward. Several main cloud security techniques are emerging as the most popular and successful during this process. We evaluated the top cloud security trends and gave insights on methods that may help you apply them to help you make an informed choice on how to improve your organization’s security posture. Understanding Cloud Security Testing Cloud security testing refers to the strategies, technologies, laws, and safeguards used to protect data, applications, and infrastructure hosted or managed inside cloud ecosystems. These cloud ecosystems include public clouds such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. What is the Purpose of Cloud Security Testing? The primary purpose of cloud security is to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of assets and data in cloud settings. It also seeks to reduce risks associated with potential security dangers and vulnerabilities. Furthermore, it detects security flaws in your cloud service before hackers do. Depending on the kind of cloud service and the provider, various manual approaches, cloud penetration testing methodologies, and cloud security testing tools may be utilized.   “Also explore: – The purpose of penetration testing Why Cloud-Based Penetration Testing Become a Necessity? Cloud security, like cloud computing, grew in tandem as enterprises sought to protect all assets in the cloud environment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, cloud security hit a new high due to a rapid surge in cloud use. Within the first year of the pandemic, the cloud computing industry in the United States grew from $73.6 billion to $274.79 billion. Businesses began transitioning to the cloud since they could no longer rely entirely on local servers and in-house hardware, and these organizations needed to safeguard their cloud infrastructure and applications.   Furthermore, the explosive expansion of cloud-based application security testing has led to a phenomenal increase in cybercrime. As a result, cloud security became the first line of protection, allowing enterprises to operate their operations seamlessly. As cloud security progressed, new technologies were introduced, strengthening the foundation of cloud security. How is Cloud Penetration Security Performed? Cloud pentesting requires some steps to be followed, such as: Information Gathering and Planning (Reconnaissance): Here the service provider gathers all the information about the cloud application and plans a checklist for the further process of testing. Automation Scanning: Here automated cloud-based pen testing tools are used to scan the surface-level vulnerabilities to exploit them before a real hacker does. Manual Testing: The pentesters in this step, go deep into the application manually and run tests to mitigate the vulnerabilities found. Reporting: In this phase, the pentesters prepare a comprehensive and development-friendly report which consists of every detail about the vulnerability found and how to fix it. Want to check what the pentest report looks like? Click here to download the sample report. Latest Penetration Testing Report Download Consultation: This phase refers to when the developer needs any kind of help in resolving the issue, the testers are ready for a consultation call. Retest: In this phase, testers again test the app if there are any flaws left after the remediation from the developer’s end. What are the Threats to Cloud-Based Application Security Testing? Understanding the hazards associated with cloud computing is a critical first step. The following are the top three security threats in cloud security: 1. DDoS The most prevalent type of cloud assault is exceedingly devastating. Furthermore, DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) is a type of attack that includes denying legitimate users access to internet services by flooding them with fraudulent connection requests. How to Deal: Have too much bandwidth on your company’s internet connection. The more bandwidth you have, the more work hackers must put in to overwhelm your connection. Discover vulnerabilities in your system – use cloud security testing tools to scan your network and system for flaws that may be used to launch DDoS assaults. Maintain a backup internet connection – a backup connection with a distinct pool of IP addresses gives an alternate way if the primary circuit becomes overburdened. Configure WAF rules to block out malicious IP addresses – Create custom rules in your WAF firewall to monitor and filter traffic based on your needs. 2. Data Breaches and Leaks The loss of personal and sensitive information and data – both mistakenly and purposefully – is the most significant and crucial cloud computing hazard for enterprises today. Insider threats are another source of critical information leakage. Storing sensitive data and passwords in plain text files makes them vulnerable if attackers get access to them. How to Deal: Encrypt Data- Sensitive data should not be stored in the cloud unless it is encrypted. Change your password- Keep all of your passwords in a secure location. Make better password choices and enhance the frequency with which they are changed. Set Permissions- Not all workers require equal access to your important files. Assign permissions based on a ‘need to know’ basis to avoid unauthorized access. Educate your employees- Train your employees to avoid unwittingly releasing important information. 3. Unauthorized Data Access It is the most serious threat to cloud security. Furthermore, according to a recent cloud security spotlight research, 53% of respondents consider unauthorized access via faulty access restrictions and employee credential abuse to be the most serious cloud security concern. Unauthorized access occurs when people get unauthorized access to company data, networks, endpoints, devices, or applications. How to Deal: Create a structure for data governance for all user accounts. All user accounts should be directly connected to centralized directory services such as Active Directory, which may monitor and cancel access privileges. Third-party security technologies can be used to frequently get lists of users, privileges, groups, and roles from cloud service

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Pabitra Kumar Sahoo

Pabitra Kumar Sahoo

COO & Cybersecurity Expert

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Pabitra Kumar Sahoo

Pabitra Kumar Sahoo

COO & Cybersecurity Expert