

Cyber Crime

How to find best Penetration testing company in India

Prior to buying a phone, there are a lot of factors one might consider. Likewise, there are quite a few factors to look into when you’re on the hunt for the best QA testing service provider. Penetration testing is a security exercise where a cyber-security expert attempts to find and exploit vulnerabilities in a computer system. The goal is to identify and test all possible security vulnerabilities that are present in the software application. India being the country where there are tens of thousands of pen testing companies, choosing the best option for you can be a struggle. with the below factors. 1. Software testing expertise A team comprising of experts experienced in quality assurance testing services. They are the foundation to testing service companies. For without them, nothing can be done. 2. Certified QA services This is essential for correct testing of your products because certified professionals knows procedure and testing scenarios, required software and testing tools, and other necessary requirements for successful completion of projects. 3. Good Communication It is highly critical for you to know what’s going on with your product. Hence the tester(s) should be able to communicate and report back to you without any problem. The company you choose for outsourcing QA service should provide a dedicated person that would be proficient in handling project and handling issues. You must ensure that the vendor is highly responsive and provides efficient responses for your queries. 4. Cost effectiveness An ideal company with high return on investment ad value addition- is the kind of QA service provider you always look for. 5. Adaptability Changes are inevitable. Hence it is extremely significant to handle fluctuation. So before you choose a QA company ensure their how adept they are to incorporate any changes in technology and deal with sudden changes in testing requirements. Conclusion We at Qualysec here perform QA tests with our highly qualified and experienced team with the use of latest technology tools. Contact us for more on this.

Cyber Crime

7 Essentials For Successful Software Testing Project

Let’s start with what software testing is. Software testing is the process of evaluating and verifying a software product or application does what it is supposed to do. Tasks or steps include defining the test environment, developing test cases, writing scripts, analyzing test results and submitting defect reports. Its benefits include efficient performance, customer satisfaction reducing costs and the list could go on. The software testing bears a lot of importance and so it needs to be done right. The essentials for software testing project are as given below. 1. Plan Ahead It is important to come up with a testing plan according to the project. For instance, you will have to know what kind of testing needs to be performed prior to performing tests. The type of test and testing tools will ultimately depend on the project requirements given by the customer and this plan also includes task assignments (who does what), prioritizing tasks, time allotment, and cost estimation. This will save you ample amount of time and money. Everything is better when you have a plan. 2. Create Test Cases A test case is exactly what it sounds like: A test scenario where a set of actions are executed to verify a particular feature or functionality of the software application. A Test Case contains test steps, test data, pre-condition, post-condition developed for specific test scenario to verify any requirement and it should include specific variables or conditions, using which a testing engineer can compare expected and actual results to determine whether a software product is functioning as per the requirements of the customer. 3. Test Data Test cases need data to execute the test scenarios with and the test data are the data with which the test cases occur. The data could quite literally be anything, from a name to an address or any other information deemed necessary. 4. Test Environment With a well-built test environment, it is possible to simulate the conditions that any system will experience when the testing has been completed and moved into production. Many projects will pass code through several test environments before any code reaches live usage. This step should be included in the test plan. 5. Testing Tools Without the testing tools, the testing process is likely not to happen and so, it is safe to say that testing tools are a crucial part and a necessity. The testing tools are chosen according to the project requirements. These tools enable the tester to see what’s right with the project and what’s not. 6. Experience At the end of the day, knowledge is what is going to save you. To be working on high-end and projects that require latest tools, you will need the experience in handy. 7. Meet the deadlines In a field as important as IT, there is no room for tardiness. The project will have to be ready prior to the given deadline and meet the promised standard. Conclusion We at Qualysec here perform QA tests with our highly qualified and experienced team with the use of latest technology tools. Contact us for more on this.

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Pabitra Kumar Sahoo

Pabitra Kumar Sahoo

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Pabitra Kumar Sahoo

Pabitra Kumar Sahoo

COO & Cybersecurity Expert