
performance testing

Cyber Crime

Load VS Stress Testing. What’s The Difference?

2021 is a highly competitive market for IT based companies. Every consumer desires a product with faster operations, better graphics and better features. To sum it all, users require a product with overall best performance. During the development stages there aren’t many options to check for the performance of the product. Although checking for the the performance of the application after the codes are development is a child’s play. Therefore, before the codebase is transferred to production phase, the performance issues are known. And load and stress testing are one of the performance testing. Here we intend to explain load testing vs stress testing and what’s the difference between them.

Cyber Crime

What is Web Application QA Testing

More and more web applications are developed as of late . And with each line of code written, the potential for bugs arises. And the costs of fixing bugs increase exponentially the later you find them. This is where web application testing comes in. Let’s find out more on this below. Web Application Testing – Definition Website testing is checking your web application or website for potential bugs before its made live and is accessible to general public. Web Testing checks for functionality, usability, security, compatibility, performance of the web application or website. During this stage issues such as that of web application security, the functioning of the site, its access to handicapped as well as regular users and its ability to handle traffic is checked. Web Application Testing – Steps 1. Functionality Testing  It is a quality assurance process that bases its test cases on the specifications of the software component under test. It includes : the identification of functions that software is supposed to do data input and entry verify the workflow of the system verifying there is no dead page or invalid redirects 2. Usability testing  Usability goes beyond functionality testing and combines testing for functionality as well as overall user experience. It basically tests to verify how the application is easy to use with. It tests the navigation and controls, content checking, checks for user intuition.  3. Interface testing Performed to verify the interface and the dataflow from one system to other. This includes checking the communication processes as well as making sure that error messages are displayed correctly.   4. Compatibility testing    Browser compatibility : Users typically view your website using a browser. Each browser interprets your website code in a slightly different manner. It may appear differently to visitors using different browsers.  Operating system compatibility : Just like with different browsers, your web application might run into problems on some operating systems. Check that it runs smoothly on Windows, macOS, Linux, and Unix. 5. Performance testing Performance testing entails using software tools to simulate how an application runs under specific circumstances. This includes load testing, stress testing, etc. Make sure you test the functionality under different scenarios and hardware configurations, and that your application recovers from crashes in the best way possible. 6. Security testing Performed to verify if the application is secured on web as data theft and unauthorized access are more common issues. It helps in the following areas: Secure Transmission Authentication Session Management Authorization Data Validation Specific Functionality Tests Error Handling Conclusion We at Qualysec here perform web application tests with our highly qualified and experienced team with the use of latest technology tools. Contact us for more on this.

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Pabitra Kumar Sahoo

Pabitra Kumar Sahoo

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Pabitra Kumar Sahoo

Pabitra Kumar Sahoo

COO & Cybersecurity Expert